Coopers Premium Ale Malt is well modified and perfectly suited for single step infusion or for decoction mashing. Kilned longer, this malt adds a golden colour with a more pronounced flavour than the Pale malt.
Cooper Premium Ale Malt carries sufficient enzymatic power to be used as a base malt with non-enzymatic specialty malts. All barley is sourced from Australian farms and is malted by Cooper’s Brewery Malting Moisture % Max 4.5 Extract % FG, Dry Basis Min 81.0 Colour EBC 4.5 - 7.0 Diastatic Power WK, Dry Basis Min 200 Total Protein %, Dry Basis 9.0 - 10.5 Soluble Protein %, Dry Basis 4.0 - 4.8 Kolbach Index %, Congress 42 - 48 Apparent Attenuation % 78 - 82 Free Amino Nitrogen mg/l Min 130 Friability % Min 80 Homogeneity % Min 95 Assortment % <2.2mm Max 1.0 Viscosity mPa.sec Max 1.58 Wort Beta Glucan mg/l Max 180