Ahtanum™ is a hop of distinction. It is often likened to Cascade though without going that far, it makes more sense to say that Cascade may be an acceptable substitute. In comparison, Ahtanum™ is less bitter, its alpha acids are lower and its grapefruit essence is significantly more pronounced. It really is more akin to Willamette, with its notes of lemon and grapefruit.
Instructions for use as a Bittering Hop
Add desired amount of hops to 500ml (2 cups) of either water or wort and boil for 30 to 45 minutes to release the flavour. Then add this into the fermenter just before you pitch the yeast.
Instructions for use as an Aroma (Dry Hop)
To add more aroma, (which also adds to the overall flavour profile) once fermentation has almost ceased add the desired amount of hops directly (or in a hop bag) to the fermenter. Hop oils will slowly seep into the beer and it should sit for between 5 - 7 days for maximum effect.