All Inn Brewing Co. fresh wort kits are 15L of wort to make 20L of beer. Fresh wort kits give much better results than "Kit & Kilo" recipes as the wort isn't boiled off until it fits in a can. This gives a much fresher beer which tastes just like it would from the brewery.
Beer Style
Widowed Butcher is a spectacular Russian Imperial Stout. Formidable but with real richness behind that deadly edge. Hints of dark fruit, subtle spice and just a little malice.
With a starting gravity of 1072 (at 20 litres), the WIDOW is going to end up at well over 8% ABV
Ale Biscuit, Brown, Crystal, Chocolate, roasted
Hops: Magnum, Warrior, Chinnook
Current IBU: 50
Note this is a high gravity wort kit like Stronghold Assassin.
Yeast Suggestion Morgan’s Premium American Ale Dry Hop Suggestion: No dry hop suggested.
1. Decant cube into clean and sanitised fermenter.
2. Add 5 litres of water to bring volume to 20 litres.
3. Aerate, pitch yeast and add any additional hops as desired.
4. Once fermentation is complete, bottle condition or keg.
5. Enjoy responsibly.
** For In Store Pick Up Only **